Showing 76 - 100 of 704 Results
Athen�um : A Journal of Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music, and the Drama... by Buckingham, James Silk, Ste... ISBN: 9781276876896 List Price: $56.75
Letter to Sir Charles Forbes : On the Suppression of Public Discussion in India (1824) by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781165954131 List Price: $27.96
History and Progress of the Temperance Reformation, in Great Britain and Other Countries of ... by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781166030292 List Price: $18.36
History and Progress of the Temperance Reformation, in Great Britain and Other Countries of ... by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781166081621 List Price: $30.36
America : Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781108032520 List Price: $43.00
America : Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781108032537 List Price: $43.00
Travels in Assyria, Media and Persi by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781169809321 List Price: $46.36
Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, etc. by James Silk Buckingham ISBN: 9781241231217 List Price: $43.75
The Slave States of America. [With plates.] by James Silk Buckingham ISBN: 9781240958443 List Price: $45.75
Autobiography of James Silk Buckingham : Including his Voyages, Travels, Adventures, Specula... by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781108038584 List Price: $32.99
Autobiography of James Silk Buckingham : Including his Voyages, Travels, Adventures, Specula... by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781108038577 List Price: $31.99
America Historical, Statistic and Descriptive by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781179159119 List Price: $40.75
Autobiography of James Silk Buckingham : Including His Voyages, Travels, Adventures, Specula... by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781179838618 List Price: $35.75
Appeal to the British Nation, on the Greatest Reform yet Remaining to Be Accomplished : Read... by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781179909004 List Price: $18.75
Travels in Palestine, Through the Countries of Bashan and Gilead, East of the River Jordan :... by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781179915579 List Price: $36.75
Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia; Including a Journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros, to H... by James Silk Buckingham ISBN: 9781230304052 List Price: $10.96
America Volume 3; Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781231182550 List Price: $26.16
Travels Among the Arab Tribes Inhabiting the Countries East of Syria and Palestine by James Silk Buckingham ISBN: 9781230335445 List Price: $18.99
Travels in Palestine: Through the Countries of Bashan and Gilead, East of the River Jordan, ... by James Silk Buckingham ISBN: 9781357268329 List Price: $29.95
Travels in Palestine, through the Countries of Bashan and Gilead, East of the River Jordan :... by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781108042178 List Price: $56.00
Travels in Palestine, Through the Countries of Bashan and Gilead, East of the River Jordan: ... by James Silk Buckingham ISBN: 9780371114209 List Price: $16.95
Travels in Assyria, Media and Persia by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781432651350 List Price: $42.95
The Oriental Herald and Colonial Review [Ed. by J.S. Buckingham]. (1825) by Buckingham, James Silk ISBN: 9781144674609 List Price: $45.75
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